Wednesday, May 28, 2008


"Aye nigga, that new Chingy album is hella tight. Yeah nigga, Luda be all over that ish in fact my ni-"

And now, a group of Black men have just walked by. The articulate album critic has suddenly hushed his tone progressively until upon seeing the black men move out of earshot, he eventually begins his insightful commentary once again. "er uh yeah nigga that ish is so hot"

My friends, you have all just witnessed the antics of the typical digger. What is a digger you ask? Well, its basically the desi version of wigger, a clever construct by myself and Zaid. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy listening to rap quite a bit. In fact, I love the nineties west coast gangster rap and even wear my pants below my waist on occassion.

However, these are the Pakistanis and Indians who have grown up in pleasant suburban neighborhoods, drive decent or nice cars bought by their parents but decide that Rocawear, bumping 50 Cent and speaking in ebonics is oh so natural and cool. Remember, there's nothing tougher than a 5'7'', anorexic looking Indian 17 year old with cubic zirconium in his ears walking around with a scowl. That's right, these people actually make wiggers look better.

"But Maharaj, how can they make white people look better!? At least diggers are brown and some even have black skin!"

WRONG. And if you're desi, I am even more disgusted by you asking that. Do you know why? Because your parents came to America to make more money, and to give their children(your useless asses) the chance to grow up in a better environment than they did and/or have better opportunities for a happy and successful future. Instead, we have suburban desis completely turning their backs on their parents, acting ashamed of the fruits of their parents' labor, pretending to be ghetto fabulous by wearing baggy jeans. How ridiculous. Instead of children who are proud to be decently educated and raised, we have idiots who feel it necessary to say 'aye nigga' every third word in a sentence but are terrified of saying it around somebody who is actually Black. I dont think even Project Pat says nigga that much. White people get a less harsh treatment, because, face it. They often don't have the cultural background desis do, and have no clue what the hell they can do make themselves more interesting, besides buy another leash for their dog or support an arbitrary cause with a bracelet made in godless and evil China. I expect better out of my brothers and sisters!

Worse yet, are the desi girls who buy into this shit. Boys are known to take longer to grow up and brown ego makes change impossible. But desi women, I expect better from you(just kidding, you're probably stupid but pretend you're not for a minute)! Oh what, you think wearing puffy jackets, talking and acting like uneducated single Mexican mothers from Inglewood is the way to go? YoU a Str8 GAnxTa ByTcH? Have some self dignity, jesus christ. Nobody is saying to be a halal hijabi with a pussy tighter than a pair of sandals on a Chinese girl in the 18th century, but please realize stupidity for what it is. There is nothing cool about being broke. There is nothing cool about being uneducated. If that was the case, your parents would have been more than happy to drop you off in the slums of Mumbai so you could grow up to be cooler than Vanilla Ice.

On3 lUv MaH NiGGaz DoiN it ReaL BiG!~

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